Tuesday 16 February 2016

PPD UCAS/ Progression choices post- What are you doing after college?

What am I planning to do?

At the moment i am still at Newcastle college studding Game Design FD. I am currently doing my 2nd year of Foundation Degree and planning to stay for my 3rd year at Newcastle college. I have my spot of the 3rd year, My plan is to get my full Degree and graduate and then get a job in a games design company.

What type of job?

Over the last year i have enjoyed making 3D models such as Characters and Environments. The programs that i use is Mudbox for my characters. If i was going to make a concept idea for a character I may use Photoshop. This is to add colour and textures and bring the character more to life.
As for my environments I would use programs such as Cinema 4D and 3Ds Max. I have used Cinema 4D for few year and i think that this is one of the best programs to use if you were going to create a environment.

Dream Profession

I would like to be a 3D designer or a 2D designer for characters or a 3D environment designer.  

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