Friday 19 February 2016

PPD Creative skills set

During one of my IT classes, I told to look up a web site about jobs in the games industry. The purpose was to see what job suits me and do i suit the criteria. One of the job roles that i had a look at is a Game Designer.

I will need to?
1 Q Be able to work in collaboration with multi-disciplinary teams
1 A I have worked with other people before in past projects. I think that it makes a nice change                  because most of my project its all mostly solo work. But i could corp with being in a team.

2 Q Be able to communicate your vision to artists, programmers, producers, marketing staff, and                others involved in the development process
2 A This i have done many times with students during group crits or just in our time. 

3 Q Be able to accept constructive feedback on your work
3 A I been through this before in class for year and i think its the best way to learn from other people.

4 Q Be able to present your ideas both verbally and on paper
4 A This is what i do on a daily basest at college and this help to get your concept acrossed 

5 Q  Be imaginative and creative
5 A  I think that I am have creative mind because I have created some strange idea before. So that I               can say that I can think out side of the box 

6 Q  Have good written and verbal communication skills 
6 A I will have to improve on my written work, This has to be one of my biggest weakness. As for        the verbal i can do a lot better on the verbal side then the written. 

7 Q Have good basic visual design and drawing skills
7 A My digital designs can also was to better. But as for my drawing I will need some practices. 

8 Q Be reasonably fluent in a range of 2D and 3D graphics and animation packages, such as 3D                  Studio Max, NUKE or Maya
8 A I have worked with 2D program before such as Photoshop and Illustrator. As for 3D I have used            Cinnma, Mud Box, Z- brush, Maya and 3Ds Max. 

9 Q Have some programming skills at least at ‘scripting’ level 
9 A This is what I really like to do if i have the chance. I would used Mud Box mainly but also I an            learning a new program called Z-Brush. But I will need more practices at Z-brush scene I have            only used the program twice. 

10 Q  Have an awareness of the various games platforms and technologies
10 A  I do keep up to date with the new games that come out. I used reference like You tube,                          Magazines and Friends. 

11 Q Possess a thorough understanding of game play theory
11 A I have just recently found out how to use Unreal Engine and how to work the program. So I am          still picking up theory's as I go along  

12 Q Have storytelling and narrative development skills
12 A This is also what I like to do is to make story's up for my characters. I think that it will always            helps the character that you are making come to life more. Also it so times helps the design                  of the character to.

13 Q Be skilled in information design and user interface design
13 A I would need to do more of this because i have not touch to much it to this 

14 Q Be able to think systematically and strategically
14 A This is what i do most of the time and keeping things in the wright order 

15 Q Have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures
15 A Well i think that we all know about health and safety. I d'not think mush could go wrong during            

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