Tuesday 16 February 2016

PPD Analysis of 5 example of existing creative CVs

What the creative CV show's 
Objectives- This shows that the artist is willing to improve his skills as a Graphic artist also whats to work with a team on projects.

Work Experience- This part of the creative CV shows were the artist as worked such as Moderntech Computer Learning systems Inc. Also the CV shows when he worked there and location.

Education- It shows were the artist got his education and has listed in order.

Digital Skills- This shows what type of programs that the artist can use clearly shown in a list.

Character Reference- This shows people that the artist as work for and has all the details shown. Such as name, Location and Number.

Own details- Name, Profession. Email, Number, Address.  

Creative CV Design

This CV is not jam packed with information that we d'not need to know. The CV has good use of font and a cleaver use of colour. The words stand out and easy to read rather than to small and the background colour does not obliterate the font. Each part of every information is evenly spend out with clear headings. The artist has got all the relevant information that we need to know.

Link to Creative CV-

What the creative CV show's 

Own details- Name, Address, Personal email and Business email

Education- This shows were the artist has got there education from. This shows in the correct order such as latest education on top of the list and the oldest on the bottom.

Digital Skills- This shows what the artist can use in there profession. Such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Dreamweaver. This information has been shown in a small chart were the artist strengths and weaknesses.

Contact details- Such as Facebook, Twitter and linkedin.

Experience- This show were the artist is currently working and also were the artist as worked before.

Bottom of CV- It clearly shows there profession

Creative CV Design

I think that this creative CV is will thought out with the design. But the only suggestion that i have for the CV is that the artist has used pink for there headings and to some people it may be hard to read. But other than that small thing it has all the information you need in a CV. But i dnot think that the employer needs to know your Facebook details its best to have a business email.  

Link to Creative CV-

What the creative CV show's 

Avator- This creative CV has a small image of the artist on top of the page.

Personal Information- This artist as put the time to added a small paragraph about them self.

Digital Skills- This artist has use there best Eight best skills and also has made a small icon to repersen each skill.

Wright next to the artist skills they have put the time in to make another skill segment. but in form of a chart that shows there strengths and weaknesses. The higher the bar shows that they are better at that skill.

Time line-  This time line starts in 2005 to 2013 and this shows were this person has worked and were they got there education.

Contact- This shows were to contact this person through there email, Number, gmail, skyp and location.

Creative CV Design

This has been the first Creative CV that has got an Avator of the person and i think that it was well designed. Not to much detail and also this person has go use in Photoshop and just by this small act you can see there art style is like.

This creative CV has great use of colour but not not much were by its to heavy on your eyes. I think that may favorite apart has to be the time line because it has a lot of information just by using a few icons and words.

Link to Creative CV-

What the creative CV show's 

Achievements- This shows the persons achievements from 2006 to 2008. This shows the achievements from latest to oldest.

Honors- This shows his Three year at honors and shown details of they 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year.

Awards- This shows the persons awards in three different professions such as Creative Director, Art Director and Graphic Director.

Interests-  This shows what the person is in to in there own time. In there interests they have not rambled on witch is a good thing because the employer does need to know mush about that. They Have got to the point and made list of there hobbies.

Skills- They have made a list of what they can use in there profession. Such as Motion Graphics, Video editing and they have said that they like working with a team.

Seminars- They have a list of there education in order to latest to oldest  and its looks like like they have work hard and listed a quite a few things down.

Creative CV Design

Out of the four creative CV that i have looked at so far this has been my favorite. I like the way that this person has design this creative CV. By making there face the whole page with all the
achievements and education. leading to the head this is well thought out this shows that they are smart by showing what they can do.

creative resume
Link to Creative CV-

What the creative CV show's 

Main title- This shows there profession, This stands wright out with big bold font and catches your eyes.

About me- This short but sweet because they have got to the point on what they enjoy and have a passion.

Education- They have listed they most resent that he has attend

Contact-  They have shown there Number, Address and Gmail these are very good contacts because all Three are very imported. If you put down Facebook for example its not a professional contrast.

Name- They have defontly made this the main focus because they name is wright across the page and could not stand out any more if he tried.

Skills- This person has listed there skills in a chart and it is clear to under stand and also i good use of colours.

Employment- This shows where he has worked and where is is working now. Has listed the year and where has worked at.

Recent Projects- He has listed his top Six recent projects and has put links to each of them so that the employer can see what he has done.
Creative CV Design

I would say that this creative CV has been the most simple design out of the Five. But this does not mean that i dont like the CV i think that i could of done with a least one more category. Such as for example  a hobbit list or added one more to his education list.

Link to web page

Link to Creative CV

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