Monday 1 February 2016

PPD Environment project

   This project was about environments, This was a continuation from the last project Character              design. This is my laboratory that I created in cinema 4D these are screenshots of different rooms.
   I took some screenshots from the best angles of the environment for my final art pice.
   I did not what just to take one screenshot because most of my environment would be wasted.

   What went well?
 I realy enjoyed creating this environment the problem was that the project was very short. I sort of  hoped that the module was longer so that i could add so much detail in my work.

 What could I done better? 
 I would of create my environment much better. When i look back at my work like think that i could of done so much better. I would of added a roof and also made the time making lights as well.

Over all
I did enjoy this project over all and getting grips with cinema 4D again. Just the fact that the project was to short but that what happens.

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