Saturday 14 May 2016

Evaluation 30/04/16 Alternative Techniques

Alternative Techniques

This brief was a team project, To come up with our final out come for the deadline. Me and my team we had to come up with a theme that we all could agree on. In the end we designed on USA vs U.S.S.R. My team was USA and the seconded team was U.S.S.R.

Once we had our theme, We had to decide on who was designing what character. The brief was based off chess and we had to pick what character we were going to work on. We wrote down all the piece down on to paper, The pick one out at random. I got the king witch this was a going thing for me because I already had a idea in mind. My idea was to create a captain with lots of medals and pips.

I thought my design was prity good and I learnt a new program rather than just using Mud Box. I used the sculpting tools and alpha to make my design possible. Also I used Cinema 4D for the hat and cigar. I used a few programs not for my design in genial but for development.

My finial product look better that I thought out of the 3D printer. The only problem is that some black marking showed up on the model. This is because I did not seal the design in Z-brush, but apart from that the design looks slink.  

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