Sunday 15 May 2016

Evaluation 15/05/16 Personal and Professional

Evaluation 15/05/16 Personal and Professional

I started my second year as a foundation degree student and through out this year. I've been working on my Personal and Professional project and each week I've been up dating my Blog. Every week I've wrote up what I have done whether at college or at home. Writing up what my weekly plan was and what tasks I got done. What has help me out is when I have been going in to college on my day off to sort out some digital art piece. This has help to beef out with my weekly updates.

I have been adding images of my work from each project from this year. Such as Character Design, Environment Design, Game Simulation, Contextual Studies, Alternative Techniques, Work-base learning, Digital Skills and Personal and Professional.  I have posted my final art piece from every project whether a final render or a model sheet. Also I have been posting some screen shots of some of my IT lesson in my lechers.I have also posted most of my Berlin images from my trip at Pictoplasma. I have wrote up about my favorite screening and what I thought about them.

What I think is good about my blog

I updated my blog every week and stand on top if it. Updating saying what my plan was and how the tacks went. The tip to Berlin as has help a lot by making my blog bigger and has added some more research from artist that were there. I posted up some of my design that I did in My It lessons to show what I've been learning.

What I think is bad about my blog 

I should of put more information in every post, But some times in was a bit difficult to do so. Some weeks I did more work than others, So it was hard to write the same amount for every week.

My development 

I think that my art work has improved over the last year, But most of the time when its time for the hand in deadline. I always rush the last pasts and make mistakes in my written work and even in my designs. So I always think that I can do better i just run out of time. I think that when I start a project its normally a slow start and d'not get a whole lot of work done. Then It comes to the final week that I rush to finish off.

Plan for the future 

My plan for next year is try to add more information in my weekly update. This goes for adding more posters of inspirational artists that I come across in projects. I will keep my blog post a bit more organized and give them better title because when it come to find a sir ton posted. It does get a bit difficult to find when I need to print out.


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