Sunday 15 May 2016

Evaluation 15/05/16 Personal and Professional

Evaluation 15/05/16 Personal and Professional

I started my second year as a foundation degree student and through out this year. I've been working on my Personal and Professional project and each week I've been up dating my Blog. Every week I've wrote up what I have done whether at college or at home. Writing up what my weekly plan was and what tasks I got done. What has help me out is when I have been going in to college on my day off to sort out some digital art piece. This has help to beef out with my weekly updates.

I have been adding images of my work from each project from this year. Such as Character Design, Environment Design, Game Simulation, Contextual Studies, Alternative Techniques, Work-base learning, Digital Skills and Personal and Professional.  I have posted my final art piece from every project whether a final render or a model sheet. Also I have been posting some screen shots of some of my IT lesson in my lechers.I have also posted most of my Berlin images from my trip at Pictoplasma. I have wrote up about my favorite screening and what I thought about them.

What I think is good about my blog

I updated my blog every week and stand on top if it. Updating saying what my plan was and how the tacks went. The tip to Berlin as has help a lot by making my blog bigger and has added some more research from artist that were there. I posted up some of my design that I did in My It lessons to show what I've been learning.

What I think is bad about my blog 

I should of put more information in every post, But some times in was a bit difficult to do so. Some weeks I did more work than others, So it was hard to write the same amount for every week.

My development 

I think that my art work has improved over the last year, But most of the time when its time for the hand in deadline. I always rush the last pasts and make mistakes in my written work and even in my designs. So I always think that I can do better i just run out of time. I think that when I start a project its normally a slow start and d'not get a whole lot of work done. Then It comes to the final week that I rush to finish off.

Plan for the future 

My plan for next year is try to add more information in my weekly update. This goes for adding more posters of inspirational artists that I come across in projects. I will keep my blog post a bit more organized and give them better title because when it come to find a sir ton posted. It does get a bit difficult to find when I need to print out.


Evaluation 14/05/16 Digital Skills

Evaluation 14/05/16 Digital Skills

In this project I have used the most amount of programs ever in a project. Such as Photoshop, Mud Box, Z-Brush, 3Ds max and Unreal Engine. I used a few different programs to show off some of my digital skills.

I design a futuristic person that has a full body suit and is base around a space theme. I was going to create this on my own as a solo project. Then it become a team project with some of my classmates. There are Five people on the team we are working on different parts of our game simulation. I was working on one of the characters for the game simulation.

I think that my final character looks like it should be in a space/futuristic themed game. I used different programs that I would not normally use. The reason is to make me grow as a designer and try some thing out of my confert zone.  

Over all I think that I made a good effect creating my model, But I think I should of created my character a bit faster. In the last week I had to rush to get the model finished before the deadline. I think what I can take from this is that fact that I used different programs that I would not normally use.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Evaluation 14/05/16 Work base learning

Evaluation 14/05/16 Work base learning

One part of this project was to enter in to a competition and create my own illustration. I designed my illustration on Bruce lee. I got inspirited when I come across a art piece on Google Images for Jimi Hendrix. The end result of my design was quite striking and neat. I also put my design on to Redbubble now people can buy it on the website.    

I created my own Art of book with designs from different year at college. In the book I put my environments together then I put my characters together. I also added as some thing extra is some Motorbike design the I created in 2D and 3D. I think the book look ok, I wish that I spent more time on the book before I sent it away. I thought if I did not sent it off in time it could jeopardize my course. I also Designed my own bissness card this come back better than I thought. I put the same design on the card as on the book so that they both matched.

Over all I through that this project was a interesting one to do. It was made up of a few different tasks rather than one big one. my favorite part was the competition design of Bruce Lee because it come out better than I thought and I also made shirts for sale.    

Evaluation 30/04/16 Alternative Techniques

Alternative Techniques

This brief was a team project, To come up with our final out come for the deadline. Me and my team we had to come up with a theme that we all could agree on. In the end we designed on USA vs U.S.S.R. My team was USA and the seconded team was U.S.S.R.

Once we had our theme, We had to decide on who was designing what character. The brief was based off chess and we had to pick what character we were going to work on. We wrote down all the piece down on to paper, The pick one out at random. I got the king witch this was a going thing for me because I already had a idea in mind. My idea was to create a captain with lots of medals and pips.

I thought my design was prity good and I learnt a new program rather than just using Mud Box. I used the sculpting tools and alpha to make my design possible. Also I used Cinema 4D for the hat and cigar. I used a few programs not for my design in genial but for development.

My finial product look better that I thought out of the 3D printer. The only problem is that some black marking showed up on the model. This is because I did not seal the design in Z-brush, but apart from that the design looks slink.  

Pictoplasma Berlin animation screenings

We Can’t Live Without Cosmos
2014 / RUS / 14’00’’
Konstantin Bronzit

This was my favorite animation out of the Pictoplasma animation screening. This was one of the longest animations shown ,But this was a good diction by the artist because this is a story of the man. Trying to be come astronauts through there training. This animation had no voices for the character, But thing like this was a good idea not to have any voices. Each character had there own personalty with made the animation very fun. When I was watching the animation, The animation reminded me of the Snowman where both had music in the background and the art style. I in joyed this film so much if this was a TV series I would deformity watch it.  

The First Murder
2014 / UK / 01’44’’
Philip Brooks & Alec Smith

This was a short animation about the first ever murder. This animation a was fun in stupid way were by all the white Bactria was annoying the black one. Then he starts to get frustrated and starts to eat the withe one's one by one. Then the remaining ones still annoy him. the he eats them all. He think hes got rid of them but then the rest around in side of him this taking. The voice acting was so good all the voices matched the character and the personally of the characters.      

Dang it to Heck!
2016 / AUS / 03’42’’
Chris Edser, Rob Hunter

This animation is one of the strangest one's that go shown at the screenings. This is a old man in his rocking chair cutting parts of his apple. As he is cutting more and more parts of the apple he is almost at the fingertips. Then he final he cuts his fingers and does it a seconded time then he realied that he has cut his finger off.