Saturday 23 April 2016

update 22/04/16


During the morning I was printing out my presentation that I did on Friday and work of other projects. I thought to get it done while there were no Ques. I made a start paining my 3D character in Z-brush. I was thinking on what type of colour scheme that I was going to use. Then I thought about a good one to use I got my inspiration from a road racer called Lee Johnson.

This is the same colour scheme that I used for my character because I think that Pink, Purple, white and Red. Works well together and I never used Pink and Purple for any of my designs. So I thought to try to do something different for my last character of the year.


I did not do as much work on Wednesday because I had a meeting. But I did manage to paint of more of my model and made screenshots. For my development work, for the making of guide.


In my IT lesson I was looking at different types of business cards. This is part of my PPD project. Also is apart of my finial show to present on the day and hand a few out. I was looking at several business cards and my task of the pick open that I liked and did not like.  Me and my classmates had to talk about what we through about the ones we have choose in.

In the after noon I was creating my own design on Photoshop and taking in was I learnt in the morning. At this point I have not yet finalized my design, But I was posted when ready.

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