Saturday 23 April 2016

update 15/4/16

update 15/4/16


I had a IT lesson for my digital skills project about how to make an 2D environment look 3D. By using 3Ds max and (will be using Photoshop next week).


My plan was to create a power point side show for my presentation. This presentation is for my work base learning project. Each side had to represent Investigation into companies related to my future progression, Target audience, current and future trends within my chosen area, Skills analysis of the section, How will this influence my practice and development of new work, competition work, strategy to address your observations.    


I finished off my pretension and finalizing for the Friday, Also I was finishing off my model for the digital skills. That that my character would be ready for paining and texturing.


Presentation day, I was up first I had 10 minutes to take about my subject. My subject was about 3D characters and CG modeling.  At the end of my presentation I think I done well and had a lot to say. I sort of wish that I Put a bit more information on my last slide.

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