Saturday 26 March 2016

update 25/3/16

update 25/3/16


I went in on my day off to finish off my design for my competition. I was still using the pen tool that I was using last week. Then I final fished my out line to my design. Then all I need to do was to import my design to Photoshop that I could add colour.


On Tuesday me and my team mates would have to come up with an idea for our project. So we decide to create a futuristic environment and have characters in the environment. I would be creating a character and also one of my team mates was going to do anther one. So it would be good vs evil and there would have guns. This would be  for anther team mates job to create all the weapons. Then that the last two team mates would work on the environments.


My plan was to finish off my design for my competition and all I had to day was add colour. This was a nice and easy day. Then I submitted my work before the day line witch was on this Friday

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