Saturday 26 March 2016

update 25/3/16

update 25/3/16


I went in on my day off to finish off my design for my competition. I was still using the pen tool that I was using last week. Then I final fished my out line to my design. Then all I need to do was to import my design to Photoshop that I could add colour.


On Tuesday me and my team mates would have to come up with an idea for our project. So we decide to create a futuristic environment and have characters in the environment. I would be creating a character and also one of my team mates was going to do anther one. So it would be good vs evil and there would have guns. This would be  for anther team mates job to create all the weapons. Then that the last two team mates would work on the environments.


My plan was to finish off my design for my competition and all I had to day was add colour. This was a nice and easy day. Then I submitted my work before the day line witch was on this Friday

update 18/3/16

update 18/3/16


I went in to college on my day off to make a start on my graphic design. I was using illustrator on my competition design. But as soon as I started I regaled that the program would not save at all. So I could not do my work at all.


I was in college, I got my new brief Digital skills this is a seven week project. In this project I can create anything that I what. So I Was thinking of creating a character because this is one of my favorite types of projects.

One of my classmates said " I wonder if we could work together as a team". So we asking hour tour if it would be ok. My tour said its fine by him but we must stick with the brief. My friend likes creating environments and I like creating characters. So we had our job roles, But we did mot know what the idea should be about. So we said we will pick this up on Friday by that time we would have an idea.


I went in college on my day off to my a start on my competition design that I should of done on Monday. I scanned my drawing to Illustrator, Then I used the Pen tool and went around the image. Making sore that each part of the body was on different layers and I was taking screen shots. This is for my development process.


Me and mt classmate was taking to our other tutor about our idea weather we could work as a team. He also thought that it was a good idea to work as a team. Then we decide to make the team bigger by adding our team that we had for the last project. When we were working as the USA on our chess pieces. So then we had five people going to work to gather on next project.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

My competition design of Bruce Lee

   This is my design that I created for my competition. I will use this design for something else In            the coming weeks  

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Update 16/3/16

Update 16/3/16

Last week I stated my competition witch is part of my work based learning project. The web site is 3x3 Illustration shows No.13 and the competition is to create an Illustration. There are no boarders to this brief on what I can design. The dead line is on the 25th of March.


When I started my competition design I did not know what to design. So I thought to start by doing some research by looking at images. When I was scoroling thought Google images I was like at cartoon style characters, Realistic draws of real people, cartoon environments, Realistic environments and vehicles. These were the main styles of art work on Google images. Then I come across an Image of Jimi Hendrix. This was a skeleton of him wearing his cloths. I through that this was a good idea the artist has took the key parts of this person. I have never since this before this give me idea on what my design could be. So I was going to have a think over night of my options.


Then my idea come to me I through to create a design on Bruce lee. When I was looking at the Jimi Hendix picture. I knew that he a is a famous person and that he has died. So I through how is famous and is died and the first person come to mind is Bruce Lee. I like creating illustration work and Bruce Lee so what could be better to combined to together.  So I started to look at some different illustration art work on Google images to see what other people have made. Just to get an idea on what type of art work I could create.


I started on my drawing of Bruce lee I thought to draw out one of his ionic fighting movies. The Fly kick and the cut marks that he go in Enter the dragon. I took my inspiration from the jimi Hendrix image by taking key parts.


I finish off my drawing of Bruce Lee and did some more Inspirational research. I wanted to get my drawing done so that I could go in on Monday and use illustrator.

Monday 7 March 2016

Analysis for 5 different Logo's

Name of Logo: Bison
Company/Artist: Band called Bison
Link to Logo:

Design Elements
Colours- Black
Shape- of a Bison
Use of text: Well placest out letters

What I think?
The colour is a bit boring, The only thing that I can think of is that what if it had a Bison a skin texture in stand of black. The shape of the letters could not be in a better place. This works so well I think this type of font such be used more often, This goes for the text as well.

What do I think of the Logo would it work in other mediums?
Yes, I think it would work in different mediums. Such as a font web site for example if you are stuck on what type of font to use you could use Bison. Also this would work as a sign in a bar/pub with the sign hanging out side the font door.

Is It highly detailed or simplistic?
I think that is Logo detailed for a logo because there are different shape and it has a image to go with it at the same time.

Does it suit the general style of the company/artist? Well if I come across this logo I would not know that this belonged to a band. But band can have very strange names and logos. So it kind of works in that respect.  

Name of Logo: Levi Roots
Company/Artist: Band
Link to Logo:

Levi Roots - logo

Design Elements
Colours- Black and white
Shape- of a Guitar
Use of text- Block font

What I think?
What I think about the colours is that it would be better to use a wooden texture for the Guitar. When you look at Logo you can tell what it is. The text is not bad it would be better is the word roots has roots coming out of it.

What do I think of the Logo would it work in other mediums? Yes, This does work as a music studio.

Is It highly detailed or simplistic? This Logo is not very detailed, But it does not have to be you can tell on what it is.

Does it suit the general style of the company/artist? Yes, If you see this logo any were you would knew that it would be about music.

Name of Logo: Rockstar
Company/Artist: Game company
Link to Logo:

Design Elements
Colours- Black, Yellow and White 
Shape- Rounded edge square with Star 
Use of text: Simpal   

What I think?
I would think that normally for a logo to work Three colours would be the best choose. Black and Yellow go well it make the Logo stand out. The shape is very simpal but were nit. The text is very simpal but it is a play on with the letter R and the Star.  

What do I think of the Logo would it work in other mediums? I don't think that this Logo would go with anything eles. I think that the logo is very plane. But I still like how there but there company's name in the logo. Just by one letter and a shape.

Is It highly detailed or simplistic? This Logo is very simpal, Since is only a square, The letter R and a star.

Does it suit the general style of the company/artist? Most people would see this Logo and we would know what its from. But is you did not know the company you would not think it would be from a games company.

Name of Logo: Fish Logo Design
Company/Artist:  setiawan yuli
Link to Logo:

Design Elements
Colours- Blue
Shape- man fishing
Use of text- Creative

What I think?
This is a bit like the Bison Logo were by the Logo has a image with in the letters. The colour is Blue and I think that is is probably the best colour to use.

What do I think of the Logo would it work in other mediums? Yes, Only for something like a fishing shop or some type of product that got something to do with fishing.

Is It highly detailed or simplistic? This is a simpal design but very well created on how the letters are placed.

Does it suit the general style of the company/artist? Yes, If you see this any were you would know that this has something to do with fishing.

Name of Logo: Logo Design for Letterhead.
Company/Artist: Vicky Anthony
Link to Logo

Logo Design

Design Elements
Colours- Red and Brown
Shape- horse
Use of text- Creative

What I think?
Red Is a very good colour to use is you what some thing to stand out and this is one of them. The shape of the Logo you can tell that is a horse with each way the letters are foamed. Use of text has played well such as the V  its the horse face. With the added marks were the noise is to finish the logo off.

What do I think of the Logo would it work in other mediums? This could be used of a horse race track called Vicky's.

Is It highly detailed or simplistic? this Logo is simpal but very effective and one of my favorite designs out of the five that I research about.

Does it suit the general style of the company/artist? This shows what the artist likes such as for example this could be one of her hobbies.

Friday 4 March 2016

Update 9/3/16

Update 9/3/16


On Monday I was working on my essay, I was looking at a you tube channel to help me out. I used the React channel because these cover retro games on they channel. This is what I am writing about and I think This is a great source to start out and I went in to college to finish off my modal and I did.


Since I come in on my day off all I had to do was to put all my different parts to my modal to gather. Then My modal was ready to print out. Then I when home to finish off my essay and chess project.

Wednesday and Thursday

I finished off both of my essay and my chess project ready of the hand in for Friday.