Saturday 7 February 2015

PPD My Personal statement.

PPD My Personal statement.

This is going to be about my personal statement and my achievements so far in College.
I have be at college for just over three and a half years now i have been in a few course along the way.
My first year at the college was just up my grades from school and to make my self us full.  My first course was Art and Design Level 2 It was only a one year course  but i finished with a good grade at the end of that a over all grade a B (Merit). Then i had a choose to stay on for the level 3 course in Art and Design but i need to leave to do some thing else. Then i found at the same college a level 3 course in Interactive Media this was a two year course witch i finish that that to the end and got my over all grades witch was M,M,M or B,B,B. so both course that i have done so far is the same as four A levels. Then i had anther choose to stay or go to do some thing else i stated because i love working there and i was not quite ready to leave just yet . So this is my very last course at my college is a Level 4 Game design witch am all must half way already. when i leave i have been there for the total of five years.

Art And Design Level 2: Merit

Interactive Media Level 3: M,MM

Game Design FD Level 4: On going.

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