Saturday 7 February 2015

PPD Hatton Gallery, start of my animation project.

PPD Hatton Gallery, start of my animation project.

So far in the first week on one of my projects i when to have a look at some art work. This was to see what kind of art work was on the walls in the Hatton Gallery. This was the first task to Wright about in the PPD project not only that this could help me to give me some ideas for my current projects. One of my projects is about make animation on a new games that is going to be created by me in the next 6 weeks. Whiles i was there i came across one picture that was on the wall. It was a cathedral of some sort it look like Durham's cathedral anyway this give some ideas on what could be in the background in my animation. This is a small idea to thought are reading this my character is a knight fully armoured out. I have not yet thought of a story for the character at the more meant but i am working on that. Over all going to the gallery has give me some idea on were to go in my projects.

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