Saturday 14 February 2015

FD Game My last project (Some of the screen shots)

FD Game Work placements

FD Game Work placements
At the start of the week there was a man that was taking to me and the rest of my class about work placements. But the work that he wanted people to help him with it was more aimed at the level 5 students more then the level 4 witch i am. The man came in and showed some of his work off to show every body it was sort of a hit and miss. If i was in the level 5 class i would be for able to try it out.

FD Game PPD update

FD Game PPD update
This week in college I started to retopology my model of my 3D knight in 3Ds Max. This is going to be getting rigged soon but i need to finish the rest of my retopology on my model. So far its working out as planned i don't think i am lagging behind. Also this week i had my first trail run at rigging a 3D model it went ok at the end it did not animate but i know were i when wrong. This is going to be the same method  i will use in my finial animation with my knight in his environment. I also make a few screen shots of my model on how it's going so far.

Thursday 12 February 2015

FD Game- Animation model part 2

FD Game- Animation model part 2

This is the next step of the making of my knight. I save the file as a OBJ then uploaded to a different program to 3Ds Max. This is going to be the program that will help me to rig the model for my animation. Also so this is the retopology tool that i am using this will help me with the rigging process.

FD Game Design- Animation project model

This are some screen shots of my model in the making of one of my projects. I have to make a 3D model of a made up character of my choose. This is my Knight that i made in sculpt witch is a program that you can make a lot of crazy designs.

This is the front view of my knight these are screen shots of the model its not the finished product this is just the making of.

This is one of the side views of my knight. I have spotted that the feet are not finished you can see that there are lumps and bumps.

This is the back view of the knight and yes it needs some work on the legs also this is my first time on sculpt.
Side view.
front/side view.

Saturday 7 February 2015

PPD Reviewing past modules

Reviewing past modules: In my past projects there was one that was my favourite project that i have witch i what to do again before i leave college. I made a concept for a game called Face Off witch involves Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris,  Muhammed Ali and a few more fighters. In the same fighting game to see who is the best fighter the ever lived. I will see if i should take it to the next level and make the game that you can play for real.

PPD Intro to my Blog for the next two years.

Intro to my Blog for the next two years.

This will include all of my work that i will be doing in the next two year at college. such as screenshots of my work in 3D,2D models, Character designs and animation. I will be updating this blog once a week to i can if you what to call it a personal dairy.

PPD My Personal statement.

PPD My Personal statement.

This is going to be about my personal statement and my achievements so far in College.
I have be at college for just over three and a half years now i have been in a few course along the way.
My first year at the college was just up my grades from school and to make my self us full.  My first course was Art and Design Level 2 It was only a one year course  but i finished with a good grade at the end of that a over all grade a B (Merit). Then i had a choose to stay on for the level 3 course in Art and Design but i need to leave to do some thing else. Then i found at the same college a level 3 course in Interactive Media this was a two year course witch i finish that that to the end and got my over all grades witch was M,M,M or B,B,B. so both course that i have done so far is the same as four A levels. Then i had anther choose to stay or go to do some thing else i stated because i love working there and i was not quite ready to leave just yet . So this is my very last course at my college is a Level 4 Game design witch am all must half way already. when i leave i have been there for the total of five years.

Art And Design Level 2: Merit

Interactive Media Level 3: M,MM

Game Design FD Level 4: On going.

PPD Hatton Gallery, start of my animation project.

PPD Hatton Gallery, start of my animation project.

So far in the first week on one of my projects i when to have a look at some art work. This was to see what kind of art work was on the walls in the Hatton Gallery. This was the first task to Wright about in the PPD project not only that this could help me to give me some ideas for my current projects. One of my projects is about make animation on a new games that is going to be created by me in the next 6 weeks. Whiles i was there i came across one picture that was on the wall. It was a cathedral of some sort it look like Durham's cathedral anyway this give some ideas on what could be in the background in my animation. This is a small idea to thought are reading this my character is a knight fully armoured out. I have not yet thought of a story for the character at the more meant but i am working on that. Over all going to the gallery has give me some idea on were to go in my projects.

Personal and Professional Development (PPD)

Personal and Professional Development (PPD)

This is a new project in my FD Game design course.
This will includes: Mind mapping, Report Writing, Formatting reports and essays, Using ICT to enhance communication, Presentation skills and primary and secondary research skills and much more.
This week i will make a small personal statement and reviewing some past projects in my course.

Friday 6 February 2015

FD Game Design 3D Model

FD Game Design 3D Model

                                            This is my final art piece for this project fully render