Sunday 31 January 2016

First Three modules evaluations

Character Design Module
All Three projects have been interesting and challenging in there own way. The first project was a Character design module and this has defiantly been my most favorite project. Since I have been at Newcastle college because I all ways had a interest in making my own character. Not only was it the case of creating my own character but there was no brooders on what I could do. So I could make anything that I wanted because in most of the modules they are bounders that you have.

What did i enjoy?
I was allowed to use Mud box, I have used this program before in a different character project and it went as planned. So i decide to stick with mud box since i have some practices and i can navigate were tools are.

When i was sculpting my model not one problem went wrong during the process. I made a futuristic character that looked like he belonged in a Sic-Fi movie for example Tron. I had the most fun creating the head because he is wearing a helmet so i did not have to make any face expressions. Also i like motorbike helmets and it was just an excuse to create one.  

What i did not like?
I cant think of anything that i disliked,But the only dislike i would say is that i wish that the project was a bit longer. I really enjoy making character as make 3D models, so this project was made for me.

Environment Design Module 
This project was a shore of a continuation of the character design. The module said that I could use my character and build an environment around that character. Since I really enjoyed the character design module I was more that happy to make a environment.

What did i enjoy?
I used Cinema 4D  the raise is that I used this program before and I think it is one of my favorite 3D modeling program for environments. All went well during the making of and I will defiantly use this program for other modules.

What i did not like?
This is the same reason as for the character design project just wish i hand more time.

Game Simulation
This was the final continuation of the character and environment modules. In this project was to make the environment that i made come to life in a game simulation. I would be using Unreal Engine (UDK) for my simulation, this was my first time using this program.

What did i enjoy?
I really enjoyed making my level in cinema 4D. I used my old environment from the last project and made improvements. Such as building the environment bigger and making objects more interactive.

What i did not like?
In this project i come across a few problems, for example when i imported my environment to Unreal Engine. Some of my walls went missing and turn into invisible walls. So my plan was just to make new walls in Unreal Engine. But my plan did not work the new wall that i place was there but the original wall next to the new wall went missing.

So i have a bit of a task to sort out the walls and floors in my level. Then i realized that only the floor and walls were made by planes in cinema 4D. So i imported my level to Unreal Engine but this time i deleted the walls and floors first before hand. Then once the level got imported i made all new walls and floors.

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