Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation PPD

Work base learning

This project has been all about how to create an environment this can be in 2D or 3D the chose is mine. Not only that i had to create a character that fits in the environment this could be based on a real place or a made up place. I felt it went as plan because it was as i pictured in my mind at the start of the project. What i think when well, I think that my model that i made in cinnma 4D went as planed because it come out just as i imagined.

I have learnt new skills on cinema 4D because that has been the main program that i use for this project. Such as the tools because i have used more of them which as help me to create building that i have not made before. Also making object more to scale as there had be in real life such as the mud huts next the the tower that i have in the background. This has been a big learning curve  for me as for as the 3D modelling goes. I will use cinema 4D more now this i have learnt more about the programme.

Animation for games 

For this project the challenge was to make an animation but this had to be a 3D model in the short clip. In this animation your character had to move in a loop this had to inculcated a defence and a attack move in the short animation. Also i had to rig the model so that it could move in the animation since this was a 3D model.

I think this was probable the most hardest project of  the year because i learnt a lot of thing with in a few weeks. Such as the rigging the model because this was my very first time doing this and i also only done one 3D model before hand.

The whole point of this project was to teach me how to rig because this will come in handy for the future when it comes to making a real game for the programming.

I will use these techniques that i have learn because this will come in handy for next year. There will be a new project next year about rigging and i am clad that i know some thing about it. If i went in to the next year and i did not know nothing about it this would be very hard for me. Also i have improved in my modelling skills and using different programmes that i have not used before.

Contextual studies 

This project was about learning the history of  videos game and the history of animation to see were it all started. This project was all about the research and trying to find the answers of animation such as who started it and were did it take off.  This goes for the video game research as well and try to look back on what was the first game and see the progress.

I think that this was the hardest project of the year because this was one hunders present research and that is one of my down falls. I am more of a practical person because i just per-fur it then look at lots of writing work then try to put it in your own words.

I get the raising for this project it is to show me how it all come to be and how thing progress thought the years. I did learnt lot in this project over all but this was defonly one of the hardest one of the year.

This will come in handy for next year because i will have to do the same thing but now i know a little about the history of games and animation.

Concept art

This project was all about 2D art work also know as Concept art this was the first project of the year. I had to make a comic book page of a character of my own creation not only that but make my own environment. Also i had to make a story that was about the character in his/her environment and make the stroy up with in six or more images this this was a comic book.  

I wish that i did no more on the project it took me a long time to get use to the programme again since that i nether used them in the holiday.

The skill that learnt was the same skill that i did last year but it help me to remember how to use the tools again on photo shop. It took me a few weeks to pick up speed before i knew it that project was almost done ready for the next.

Over all it was a good  project to get back to after the long holidays and get back in to the habit of college work again.

Digital skills

This project was about creating a 3D model this had to be an object not a character but an object or prop. This 3D model could be made in any programme but had to be 3D

At this point in the course i have made some characters and environments but i never made a vehicle. I am a big fan of motor bikes so this was my operturety to have a go at making one for the first time. I have got some motor bike magerizers but most of them are from the 70s but i needed some bike from different years. At the time of this project i was watching the Tron legacy movie and the Motor bikes are futuristic and this go me thing. What if i make a  futuristic bike instead of an old bike and this was meant to be a prop from a character from the persevere project. My character was a robot so it would look out of place if you see a robot on a old school bike.

I think that the project when really well because that was my first time make a motor bike in 3D and it come out better in the final render. I think that i did a good job on the screen, I was just was going to just have it plan but i desisted to use Orange and i think that was the Wright move. This the bike had the gulf colours With is light blue and bright orange, witch in my opinion is one of the best colour skeems.

Practice Enrichment 

This project was to make a 3D model in its own box the sort of thing were you see a toy in a shop. This 3D model was meant to be a charter that has a background story this had to be on to box on the back.

I think this project when really well because the 3D model come out just like i pictured it in my head. Not only the charter but the design on the box as well it was the environment on the background story of my charter.

This project will come in use because i have learnt about what involves making a product if i was going to sell. Also what i need to do to make a product look the part such as selling the item or just to show my idea in a com pay to show what i made look like.

Personal and professional Development

This project has been going since the start of the year and it was my job to update my Blog ever week. My job was to upload screen shots of my work wreath this was at 2D, 3D or an animation. Also thing that that i like such as for example i take some photo on my day off. Most are of motor bike because i think it a interesting subject and this help me in one of my projects for inspiration.

I started this blog just over a year and the views are almost at 24,000 at the start i did not think that i would get 100 views.

I think that i have done well this year on my blog not just the views but trying to upload as must as i can thought the year. Some of the uploads have been photos, inspiration images, 2D art work and 3D modelling.

I will conutain this blog next year and upload  more photos, inspiration images, 2D art work and 3D modelling.

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