Saturday 29 November 2014

FD Digital skills Acquisition in 3D modelling

FD  Digital skills Acquisition in 3D modelling

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My latest Project has been all about Digital skills Acquisition in 3D modelling. For my modal i have choice to make a motor bike because i think it was a good idea to create a new motor bike. The big raise is because i love motor bikes not only that but there is such a variety of them out on the road. There are lots of different types of bike shapes for example. That’s one of the big raises that to try to make a bike that is unique.

So for in the Past few weeks i have draw lots and lots of designs of Motor bike that i could think of that i could use in my project. Once i had a good idea of what i was going to create, i stated to photo shop the bike then add effects to it to get the full parental. But once i finished with the motor bike to me that was not going to be the one that i was going to use in the final art peace.

I stated to try a different approach on how i was going to make this in 3D. The more i looked at my work so far i realised so thing that my bike design was a bit futuristic. So i stated to draw a Hover bike and that was going to be a better idea for the project.

When i choice my final diction on the bike that i was going to make i stated to Photoshop the image by using the pen tool for the guide lines. Once i finished the guild lines i used a few effects to finish it off.
The latest sage has been make my modal sheet of the bike in different angles. The last sage is to make the Hover bike 3D, then make a how to guides on how i made it happen.

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