Tuesday 25 March 2014

Plan for the remainder of the course

My plan

In the Box project

  1. Get ideas From Novak,STEFFEN,Anitibody,BotnDolly,Matt pike for the light show for the Discovery event.
  2. Making story boards for idea to what to put in the animation And looking at other peoples work on you tube for ideas.
  3. Starting ideas in Photoshop and creating images and putting together concepts 
  4. Make the animation in cinema 4D or photoshop
  5. Putting together all the animations together from to other students.
  6. Event day at Discovery.

Work shops wednesday

  1. Make a b-movie in workshops with class mates 
  2. Movie research in to b-movies on you tube
  3. Birdemic as been our chose then i made a short story board
  4. Making the move by filming,green screen and photoshop.
  5. show the new movie to the class

The final show

  1. brief
  2. reaseach 
  3. ideas mind mapping
  4. final show

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