Monday 31 March 2014

Street fighter Abbey road

Story Board of my Animation for the Discovery

Time line of the week

Time line of the week:

Monday- AM Morning add more effects to my animation then take some screen shots of my work then print out in colour then in the PM afternoon making this time line.

Tuesday- AM Morning add more development in my animation for the discovery event after the easter break in the PM afternoon making moldboard for the five artists thats in the brief.

Wednesday- AM Print out the mood boards in colour then place in the wright order in my project next is to draw out same other ideas of what to add in the animation or make other ideas. PM add more effects to the animation.

 Thursday- AM make shore that my project is in the wright order then ring bind it then hand in for the   PM afternoon.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Plan for the remainder of the course

My plan

In the Box project

  1. Get ideas From Novak,STEFFEN,Anitibody,BotnDolly,Matt pike for the light show for the Discovery event.
  2. Making story boards for idea to what to put in the animation And looking at other peoples work on you tube for ideas.
  3. Starting ideas in Photoshop and creating images and putting together concepts 
  4. Make the animation in cinema 4D or photoshop
  5. Putting together all the animations together from to other students.
  6. Event day at Discovery.

Work shops wednesday

  1. Make a b-movie in workshops with class mates 
  2. Movie research in to b-movies on you tube
  3. Birdemic as been our chose then i made a short story board
  4. Making the move by filming,green screen and photoshop.
  5. show the new movie to the class

The final show

  1. brief
  2. reaseach 
  3. ideas mind mapping
  4. final show

My Proposal for in the box project

My work
I am based at Newcastle College so far I have been here for three years the first year that I was here I chose to joined Level 2 Art and Design at the end of that year I got a merit for my hard work. Then I joined Level 3 Interactive Media it is on-going in progress and got a place for higher foundation degree in Game design and Animation the work express that I have done so far has include in E4, Sky Arts  for the sky arts I made a small light show on the cut out of the word art by projection on it also I am working as a creator at the Discovery and in the coming weeks I will be working for Novak. The skills that I have learnt in Newcastle College are Photoshop, after effects Cinema 4D and Flash.  My true skills are quick ideas and photo shop skills for concept art work. I also update my blog page a few times a mouth with the work I do at college and at home. 

Making it happen
This would be a good opportunity to show the skill that I have learnt in the time I have spent at Newcastle College and also show what my group can do also. The plan is to use the bout at the main entrance so that we can make a light show by using an overhead projection. The public will love this because it’s a new thing to show at the Discovery and all ages are welcome to come and this will help got the college and the discovery at the same time. The first steps is to see if we can use the bout if its ok I and my team will make points of were the over head projection ok be layout and to see if we need more than one over head projection or not and were the best spots are by making crosses on the floor with tape.

It would be a good idea to make a flyer/leaflet that it will be handed out or another idea is that a poster because when people that come to the Discovery see the poster at the main entrance may be they tell other people like family members or friends. Also a good idea is to put a post on face book to say a message that there’s going to be a show that everybody is well come to witness this new event.
We will measured this event buy count the people that come in the main Entrance by making tickets may be on the tickets has numbers a bit like a raffle so the ticket that you are holding is the number that you come in. the next idea is to put this on feedback could be from the public they could write out a small part on what they liked about the whole express. May be the hand out will just be a simple wright out the form it could say what was the best part, what was the best song and the best effect.


The plan is to make a light show in the discovery museum the object in question we need to look at is the boat at the main entrance. We are going to make a colourful animation on the side of the boat this may include Sounds, Music and special effects. But the first we need to go there to have a look to see the best plot on the floor to but the overhead projection so the best were to get around this is to use type on the floor.  This event will be open for all ages to see this new event showing at the Discovery. The best way is to make poster or leaflets so when the public visit the Discovery they can see the poster on the wall at the main entrance. This light show may include programs such as Cinema 4D, flash and videos/pictures.  They may also include songs some example of song that I thing will suit the whole idea of using the boat is to use Enya – Sail away song and also sound effects the sound effects we will made on a program that match’s the animation flowing movement the visuals will be related to it as well.