Thursday 30 April 2015

Work base learning environment. (Screen shots) part 3

    My environment is almost done this is to show what it will look like in the final art piece.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Monday 27 April 2015

Work base learning environment. (Screen shots)

This is the first lot of screen shots of my environment, this is to show what it may look like foe the final art piece also his programme is cinema 4D.   

Sunday 26 April 2015

Quick 10 min art work and character

This is my starting point on what my character may look like and also my environment. I have made both art pieces in photo shop and this took me 20 minutes to make. 

Some pictures that i took.

PPD Challenge

PPD Challenge 

Challenge at college was to go in to town and buy some thing for £1 and bring it back to class for the next part of the challenge. But first we all were put in to groups of three and four and that was going to be the team for the rest of the challenge.

Once we where in to our groups we walk in to town and were trying to find a shop that would be selling thinks for £1. Once we found a shop we had to make a dissection on what to get at the time one of my team mates pick up a garden man. But we got a dog toy once we got back the seconded part was to make a concept of a game that  had to include the item that we just got.

My job was to draw out some character designs and it took me a few goes to make up my mind on what the character would look like. The best idea was a boy that was about 8 and we called him Asbo because the dog toy looks like a weapon for a kid as kids tend to mess about with thinks like that so we also named the game called as well Asbo.

The concept of the game was a kid that goes around smashing thing up the more he smashers up the more points you get in the game. This is based on a 2D platform game a bit like the original Simpsons game for the Amiga.